Saturday, September 4, 2010

Busy Busy Week

How's everybody??? Going into the holiday mood already??? Well, I guess holiday is not meant for me for this coming festive season.

First thing is:


Muahahahaha~ God knows how happy and excited I am when my modeling course started on 1st of September. My catwalk guru Benjamin Toong is awesome!!! I like his style of teaching so much I knew I can learn something from him.

The 2nd day of the class is very interesting, we're required to train ourselves not to be shy, so we have to go around and asking strangers to take photos with us! LOL!!! And that will not be a problem to me, since I've been working in events and exhibitions for quite some time.

After that, there comes the highlight of the day - Train the strength of our legs! Wow! You don't know how hard it is to do a single standing on one leg in a 5 and half inch high heels!!! The training goes about 30 minutes I guess, and most of us are exhausted and can feel muscles stretching already!

I can still my legs, upper thighs and lower thighs stretching and in pain till TODAY!!! I guess this is the result for not exercising regularly. 

Besides going to classes, I'm involved in 3 photoshoots this week. God knows how hectic the schedule is and the heavy stuff and bags I'm lugging around. LOL! 

But after seeing all the beautiful photos from photographers, I know that all my efforts of make-up, styling, changing clothes, sweating and doing some ridiculous difficult poses worth it all!!!

I like this feel!!! *LOVES*

Thanks Matthew Choo for capturing this wonderful angle of me!

Bright red hair, because of the studio lighting.

I love the VOGUE in me, thanks Clarence!!!

I never seen myself in such peaceful looks before. Thanks Wee Meng Tan!!

LOL! Act cute!!! *paiseh nya~*

It's really a great learning experience for me to work with all these different photographers. I realize that I can see different potential in me through their lenses... And of course, their generosity for teaching me each and everything I don't know in photoshooting is definitely going to help me in getting into the next level in modeling field.

Thank you guys for all the beautiful photos captured and I truly love all these photos. Hope to see more of the photos coming in so I can 'show off' in my blog. Hahahahahahahaha! XD


Merrinette said...

Wedding gown!

L.Chew said...

wow. so good. Congrats. how much is yuor modelling course? where do u study?