Monday, June 11, 2012

Crafty Weekend

Went for grocery shoppings and Ikea in the past weekend. Suddenly the sense of making some art craft kicked in and decided to try make something out of beads and some colorful threads. 

Iron-on beads.

Back at year 2002/2003 I already saw this type of beads' advertisement in Japanese magazine,
can't believe until today only I lay my hands on them. It was super fun!

Made some keychains out of it for my loved ones... Hope they'll like it.

Bored with the same old' fake lashes I have,
bought this box of fake lashes with lotsa different style,
handmade from Taiwan.

F Block's accessories line - This & That.
Thanks le bf bought the 3 tier love necklace for me!

Hauls from Daiso. LOL.
Super love the fur keychain.

T Shirt AGAIN! Hahahaha.
With Uniqlo's light orange Easy Leggings.

Natural eyelash make-up. 

Can't believe I slept around 7am this morning because of a cup of white coffee I had yesterday evening. I think my sleep routine is gonna be so fucked for the next few days, partially because of Euro 2012!

Did you guys watch the Spain vs Italy match last night? 1 - 1!!! Spain have to work hard to get into quarter final I think. God help Spain please~!!!

Cute Avengers Heroes plushie!!!
Thor looks damn cute hahaha.

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