Tuesday, August 27, 2013

La Cremeria Launch

Did a show for Nestle's La Cremeria launch today, wearing MarryMerry's gown in nude colour. I fell in love with the dress design, cutting and chiffon material when I first saw it. There's something about me towards chiffon like cats to catnips. lol.

Everybody is so kind today I met one of the most gentle make-up artist and hairstylist. I love how my makeup artist draw my eyes makeup and it was done under zero pressure/stress. So is the hairstylist who minimize the usage of hairspray too. Thank you very much, definitely looking forward for future collaboration again!

La Cremeria ice cream tubs are now in 6 different flavours, hence you can see we're 6 models dressed up in different colour evening wear to represents each flavour. I'm the first model to walk the show and shocked me when I saw most of the medias are my blogger friends. Same goes to them, they're shocked when see me on stage. lol.

Although I didn't even manage to try one scoop of ice cream, but it was a fun work experience and a good time for a mini chit-chat session with all my friends, and bumped into Lumi as well! Haven't saw her since January! Envy her stylish hair colour, but everyone been telling me that they love my hair colour now, guess I can't make drastic change yet huh. lol.

Thanks to Amber Chia Academy, Makeup Artist, Hairstylist, all the models for making this show a successful one. We are the beautiful La Cremeria Bellas who looked very much like taking part in Nestle's La Cremeria Pageant 2013 lol. What a happy Tuesday!

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