Saturday, July 9, 2016

Will You Come Sit Here With Me?

Me and my cousins spend our childhood imagining how our future husbands will look like. Some would want them to be as handsome as "Aaron Kwok" or "Jimmy Lin" which were our idols during the Sei Dai Tin Wong 四大天王 era. Some would want their husband to be as talented as them and so on.

As we grow older, me and my classmates would specifically state our requirements for our future boyfriend, such as height have to be 180cm, without glasses, tanned/fair skin tone, carries backpack and not sling bag like loansharks or ah bengs etc... We will set all sorts of criteria just wanting to find that someone who fits. And of course, in the end neither of us manage to get guys with abovesaid criteria lol.  

As time goes by, I graduated from secondary school, went into college, expanded my social circles through college, mutual friends and modeling work to know that how funny it was to have criteria set on my future partner as life has so much more to offer. You'll only know what's best for yourself once you've seen it all. I wouldn't say I know each and every type of guys in this world but I believe I've seen enough to know which guy doesn't suit me.

I think what I want most is that someone who I'm comfortable traveling with. Someone who sees me as the focal of each and beautiful scenery we encounter. Someone who will argue with me which direction to go and end up at another unexpected location with adventure awaits us. Neither of us would blame each other for their silliness as we all know for each and every mistakes we make, there's a whole new journey in front of us waiting for us to discover.

  • I hope he's someone who won't freak out when I say I want our vehicle pulled aside just because I wanna take a quick few shots of the panoramic green paddy field scene.
  • I hope he's someone who will feed me their first bite of food or me to him whenever we try out new dishes.
  • I hope he's someone who's willing to lie on the grass so that we could look at the blue sky and everchanging clouds despite our schedule sometimes.
  • I hope he's someone who will smile looking at me when he saw the sparkles in my eyes whenever I saw exciting rides of theme parks or animals in the zoo. 
  • I hope he's someone who will laugh at my low stamina but lend me a hand at the same time when we try to hike some mountains.
  • I hope he's someone who will not panic when he sees I'm down with sickness or getting cranky during time of the month. 
  • I hope he's someone who will show me his emotions and let me comfort him if things getting too stressful for him to handle. 
  • I hope he's someone who will not diss my taste of road trip music selection and will try to listen to them as I will to his. 
  • I hope he's someone who will lie with me on top of his car and watch the midsummer night starry sky. 
  • I hope he's someone that I won't have to constantly put down my own needs to please him in whatever encounter we had. 

Imagination may be too good to be true, but I shall have faith that one day there'll be someone who is willing to stop everything he's doing and come sit down with me and watch the sky with me. 

1 comment:

IMF said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog, I will keep visiting this blog very often.