Friday, December 15, 2017

The Making of Sleeping Beauty

As a model and a person who likes to travel, wake up and having skin condition that is ready to go is essential in my life. My skin needs to be in good condition in order for makeup artists/myself to put on makeup hence prep for good skin condition is an all time mission in my weekly beauty routine.

Got the chance to try on Neutrogena latest hydrogel mask and capsule sleeping mask last month and I fell in love with their hydrogel mask series. These two mask series came in two types of formula to improve skin's condition - Fine Fairness and Hydro Boost. 

First, I tried on the Fine Fairness capsule sleeping mask. Manufactured and imported from Korea, this capsule sleeping mask is travel-friendly, hence I can keep up with my weekly mask routine even I'm on-the-go. 

Gel-Jelly type sleeping mask

Contains Niacinamide for brighten up skin to make it luminous and radiant looking, the sleeping mask has very generous amount in one capsule for few time usage (but preferable store in fridge if there's leftover). It's thick, and somehow my combination skin can't cope with its heavy-weight texture while using the Fine Fairness series. I tend to have breakouts every time I apply it overnight. 

Apply the capsule sleeping mask before sleep to get the most of it

Hence to those who facing the same breakout problems for the Fine Fairness capsule sleeping mask series, apply it for 15mins and wash it off and see your skin glow in radiant. Looking pretty with good looking skin can increase good sleeping mood too.

Next is my fav: Hydro Boost Hydrogel Mask. 

Literally changed my perspective towards facial mask that all cotton sheet mask should be made into this type of paperless hydrogel mask as it fits to all types of face and you can obviously see the nutrient of mask being absorbed into skin.

As the skin is in direct contact with the mask, I can feel my skin is absorbing more from this hydrogel mask without greasy feeling or serum dripping from the mask to my neck. It's well fitted on my face I have no problem moving around or sit upwards if I have to.

Upon application, I can feel its cooling effect on my skin and it's a big yes for hot and humid weather as it can be refreshing and made me and my skin feel so good! For most of mask, my combination skin type especially my T Zone can look especially oily after masking session but I have no problem with greasy looking face with this hydrogel mask as its 100% Hyaluronic Acid is on direct contact to my skin hence the absorbance power for my skin is amazing, leaving my skin feels supple, hydrated, radiant and fresh!

Hydro Boost Hydro Gel mask comes in patches for both eyes and lips too
A total hydrated skin on face!

As comparison, I love the hydrogel mask series more than capsule sleeping mask due to I'm a big fan for lightweight texture mask instead of heavy ones. I feel my skin reacts better with the hydrogel mask as well and it's effectively shown on my glowing skin after every hydrogel mask session.

Do visit local pharmacies (Guardian and Watsons) near you to get these two masks and try it for yourself. Do leave me comment of which one you like more!

For more information:

Neutrogena Capsule Sleeping Mask: RM12.90

Neutrogena Hydrogel Mask: RM13.90

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