Sunday, February 10, 2013

Marie France Bodyline Bloggers Workshop

Recently, I attended a bloggers workshop of Marie France Bodyline at KLCC with a group of beauty bloggers and the woman behind Marie France Bodyline - the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Amy Quek Swee Li shared her view as the woman who witness the journey of weight loss, slimming and effectiveness for over 20 year.

Everybody is anticipating for the workshop to start!

I'm sure that most of the women nowadays do not feel satisfy about their own body, there's always something they wanna improve, some parts they hope to make it firmer and so, but the way slimming centres do sales scared more of us, and some of us are afraid to even just approach them and ask because we don't wanna be persuade into signing any packages that we are unclear of.

Being the leading beauty and slimming provider, Marie France Bodyline has given us a chance to enquiry about the misconceptions and inaccuracies of slimming treatments as well as services and pricing. You have no idea that there are so many questions being asked that day, it seems that overall women have negative thoughts about slimming centres.

Amy, the woman behind women in Marie France Bodyline

Since young, Amy has been passionate about the beauty industry and she never looked back since. She started her career with Marie France Singapore as a consultant in year 1989 and was promoted as General Manager of both Singapore and Malaysia within a span of 2 years. Now, with more than 20 years of experience in beauty and slimming industry, she shared a lot of her views about the journey  of slimming and beauty from a professional's perspective.

"It is all about walking the journey, together. Giving moral support to the women who came to lose weight is one of the crucial steps in being successful shedding those extra kilos." says Amy. Marie France Bodyline's 'price transparency' policy which there are no hidden costs or unclear information about the packages whenever a customer get their treatments from the centre. Each and every pricing details are been told upfront to customers minus any hidden cost, as it is very important for customers to build trust in Marie France Bodyline.

"We have professional consultants who suggests only the suitable treatment to each and every customer, based on their own very needs." Yes, I guess we know how pushy sales personnel will be in some slimming centres, keep on selling you packages that you don't need, but not at Marie France Bodyline as they only recommend packages which suit customer's needs and there will no be snowballing effect for signing endless packages and treatments, the effect is already there to witness after one treatment package.

At Marie France Bodyline, there's no need any promises from the company such as money back guarantee to boost the confidence in consumer because they are so good at what they are doing, visible slimming result can be achieved within six to 12 treatment sessions and customers satisfaction is always
their utmost priority. "Marie France Bodyline has been continuously introducing lastest innovations and technology in slimming treatments such as the Cellu Check Plus - a revolutionary medical diagnostic system which provides a clinical analysis of fatty deposits and Acoustis Radial Therapy (ART) which is a method of combining high energy radial waves with a breakthrough vacuum technology which metabolize fat cells and reduce the occurrence and appearance of cellulite." explained Amy.

Guess what, we all received early Chinese New Year present from Amy and Marie France Bodyline! Wee~

Acoustic Radial Therapy(ART) is a non-invasive treatment which helps women of all ages in fighting cellulite issues which are caused by hormonal or age related laxity of the connective tissues. The treatment can be administered on common problem areas of the body such as the arms, thighs, abdomen and love handles, ultimately leading to a circumferential reduction in these areas. All Marie France Bodyline's slimming programmes are suitable for both men and women, 100% safe, all-natural and free from the use of dangerous pills or injections. When being asked if consumer will feel any pain during the treatments, "Some consumers even fell asleep while doing their slimming treatment, I don't think one can fall asleep if there's any painful feeling during the process." Amy responded. 

There are no effortless weight loss fix in this world, nothing as easy as we wish but Marie France Bodyline have a line of professional nutritionists and cheerleading group which will accompany their customer in this journey of weight loss, cheering them up when they are low in motivation and giving them all the advice they need in achieving a healthier lifestyle by maintaining an exercise routine and eating the balance diet. "It is not just about weight loss, it is about enjoying a better, healthier lifestyle through weight loss, and at the same time, feel confident of being beautiful from inside out and vice versa." said Amy.

We were given a chance to tour around the slimming centre and get to know more about the place and the people. It was such a cozy and relaxing place.

VIP Lounge area

Looks so relaxing ain't it?

Lounge area for customers to rest and chit-chat

After this whole sharing session, it is no doubt that all the concerns, misconceptions and myths about slimming centres are answered. Marie France Bodyline is the first slimming centres I've heard about since I was in young age and after this workshop, I have more confidence in this company than others. Definitely will be my first choice when it comes to slimming treatments for myself or suggestions to my friends and family.

Marie France Bodyline KLCC outlet
Located at 4th floor

Thank you for such a wonderful Q&A Brunch Session for all of us.

Blue is love.

As special launch offer, Marie France Bodyline is offering the Acoustic Radial Therapy (ART) Treatment for RM199 only. For more information about Marie France Bodyline, their products and services, log on to or call them at 1800 22 8222.

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