Saturday, June 13, 2015

Day 3, Bangkok Trip 2015

Couldn't believe that we spent our third day at Bangkok with over 6000 sea creatures!!! Yes! We woke up early and went to Siam Paragon's Ocean World right after we grab our breakfast at 7-11. 

Mandatory lift ootd shot lol

Super sunny day reported from Bangkok. 

Initially wanted to take tuk-tuk to Siam Paragon instead of walking but it's quite ridiculous to charge 100baht from Petchaburi road, tried negotiate with 2 tuk-tuk drivers and ask for 50baht per ride and both of them ask to drop us at some tailor shop before sending us to Siam Paragon. We were rushing to the Ocean World so we didn't take the offer. Is it normal that them drivers make one stop at shop then only drive us to our destination? 

Reached Siam Paragon around 1030am and we rush all the way to redeem our tickets which I bought online and cheaper price too! Then straight away we  enter and go for the first show which starts at 11am. 

Seriously, can't believe that we spend 11am - 2pm going to several locations just to watch shows such as otter, penguins, feedings etc. 

I will definitely make a dedicate blog post for my visit to Siam Paragon Ocean World and show you guys the crazy amount of photos and fun we had inside! Definitely worth spending RM85 for this experience. 

Tony Jaa waiting for us at the exit. 

We stayed inside the Ocean World from 11am - 5pm. Definitely broke my record as a tourist that pay a visit to an attraction. Right away we hop on to BTS Siam Station and head to Saphan Takhsin station for Asiatique! 

2nd time visited Asiatique, still think it's for those tourists who don't know the existence of Platinum Mall. Just wanted to bring Freda here since it's her first Bangkok trip so I think everyone deserve to be here once. 

Just when we can't decide what to eat for dinner at Asiatique, I saw there are food stalls at opposite road so yea, dinner it is! 

65baht dinner kinda day and they are yummy! 

Time to continue Asiatique visit after filling our tummy. 

Hot and stuffy while walking around those warehouses of Asiatique, the air ventilation is really bad in there. Can't wait to go back to our hotel for a nice, hot shower and go for a full body Thai body massage to end our night. So here concludes our 3rd day visit at Bangkok. 

Can't think of what to do from morning till noon, any good idea where to go aside Chatuchak during day time? Leave a comment! 

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