Monday, January 11, 2010

Balcony is L.O.V.E

I spent TWO years at the same balcony (literally). Haha. Yeah~ I spent my 2009 December 31st and 2010 January 2010 January 1st at Kei-chan's balcony. I LOVE her balcony soooo damn much I'm the one who suggest to spent New Year's eve at her balcony.

Wish I can have balcony though.

Anyway, besides spending time at her balcony chatting, I also took some photos using Kaede-chan's AWESOMESAUCE Canon EOS450D!!! The feeling of snapping photos using DSLR is so fucking awesome I can still feel it NOW!!! (Oh God Please please please grant me a DSLR this year....)

Wanna see the VERY FIRST photo I took?


*FAIL BIG TIME!!! Hahahahaha~ I manage to make Aira-chan who is so lovely and pretty looks like pocong. wtfwtfwtfwtf!!!*

*Finally, the decent one. Haha. Kei-chan's broken specs are our props.*

*The Broken Specs Sisters*

*We had Pringles and Chrysanthemum tea for snacks that night. Kei-chan's dad purposely bought snacks for us. Thank you very much!!!*

*Please tell me that you know what I am shooting. I mean the MAIN object of this photo*

*Xuan Xuan being naughty, poking Kei-chan's specs. He likes to poke people eyes/specs/camera lens. He is very dangerous, don't let him get close to your lens please.*

*Very happily poking people's specs wtfwtfwtf!*

*The broken specs which brings lots of laughter to us on 2009/2010 New Year.*

*These photos were taken BEFORE I get to try on the Canon EOS 450D using Panasonic I don't know what model.*

*Xuan Xuan is UBER CUTE with specs don't you think so??? This is the FIRST TIME I think male with specs are cute. Normally, male with specs gave me a bit 'nerdy' kind of feeling.*

*Don't know play what so happy. Xuan Xuan is always active and laughing whenever he's with somebody beside me and Bun. Good thing or bad thing?*

*To him, this balcony is Very Ze Dangerous. Quite worried that he looks like he can slip into the gap.*

*Xuan Xuan, how many times I ask you STOP MOVING when taking photos????*

*Noticed the white arrow at your left side? That's Xuan Xuan. Hahaha~*

*Kei-chan can has VERY LONG LEGS! Looks like one of those models leg, long and skinny. Hehe.*

My new year eve countdown may be a lil bit quiet, and not happening at all to most of you guys which choose to spend it at somewhere else, but it's rather heart warming. 

Its been years since I count down New Year with my friends, the last time we were excitedly watching Kohaku at Kei-chan's old house. Kei-chan's dad bought us KFC!!!! Wooohoooo~!!!!

I will not set any new year resolution this year(because I know that I won't be able to keep to it), I'll just make some new year wish then:

  1. Buy A DSLR. Whatever model also can, even the cheapest, beginner's beginnEST also can. I really should start saving money for this.
  2. Have more time for myself. Too much of my son, makes me a bit paranoid over losing my own grip. Quote Xiaxue: My own happiness IS important too.
  3. Earn more money, move to new house, and invite some friends over for gathering every so often. (Be it my friends or Bun's friends, I welcome everyone!)

Wishing Everybody Who is Reading THIS:
Have a GREAT YEAR ahead!!!


Reiko The Rainbow Girl said...

I love that view. It's beautiful :D

Reiko The Rainbow Girl said...

Yeah! That's one of the main reason I wanna spend NYE on her balcony. haha