Sunday, January 24, 2010

Passionate Baby Doll

If you've been following Reiko's Project 365, this post is actually an "elaborate" version of RP365-8.

Yes, I'm running out of things to blog because I have a dull life. Bah! So I shall "elaborate" what seems pretty understandable through picture. Haha.

*Materials you'll need: *

  • 2 different colours of nail polish, the more contrast the better. (I use baby pink and black because I'm doing these nails for some competition purpose.)
  • Pearls & Beads (Some prefer Swarovski crystal, I'm very giam siap (kedekut) so I use normal beads you can find almost anywhere.
  • Optional: Base coat, top coat, tweezers, nail buffer, and much more professional tools.

THAT'S ALL! Very easy right? I guess this is the MOST easy manicure tutorial EVER! Haha.

*Apply base colour of your choice. If one coat is not enough, apply 2 - 3 coats.*

*Use the contrast nail colour to draw some lines, you can draw it vertically, or draw at the tip of your nails to make it looks like french nails design too. Don't worry if the outline is jagged, there's something to cover it up.*

*Then, stick pearls/crystals at the border line of your jagged outline. See, told you nothing to worry about. No one will know the outlines are jagged. LOL!*

*If you wish, you can use other colours crystals to decorate more of the nails. I use baby pink crystals. I don't use tweezers for sticking bling on my nails, or decorate my stuffs, but provided you have to have very sensitive and flexible finger tips to avoid touching the surface of freshly painted nails.*

*And TADAHH!!!! You can have "Passionate Baby Doll" nails. Remember to apply top coat on the crystals so make them stay still on your nails. You can always apply another layer of top coat every 3 days, to prevent  nail colours/crystals drop off.*


1 comment:

Reiko The Rainbow Girl said...

gosh,your nail are so cute!!!wish I have time to do that kind of things. I read your previous post, around 2008, you gave birth when you were 21 if i am not mistaken. I gave birth when I was 20 and I am still 21, going to be 22 this year =p